
Saint sharbel pray for us
Saint sharbel pray for us

saint sharbel pray for us

Oh, Saint Charbel, all powerful intercessor, I ask you to fulfill the grace which I am in need of (name the grace). (Once) Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father. Oh, God hear my demand through Saint Charbel's intercession. Oh, Saint Charbel, friend of the crucified, intercede for me. Oh affectionate Father I beg of you to ask God for this grace (name the grace). Oh, Saint Charbel, loved by God, enlighten me, help me and teach me that pleases God. (Once) Our Father Hail Mary, and Glory to be the Father. Oh, God, you, who granted Saint Charbel the grace of your resemblance, grant me the help to grow in the Christian virtues and have mercy on me to be able to praise you till the end. Oh, Saint Charbel, garden of virtue, intercede for me. With the power of your intercession with God, I am waiting for the Grace which I ask from you (name the grace). Oh Father, Saint Charbel, the affectionate, I resort to you. (Once) Our Father, Hail Mary, and glory be to the father. Oh, Lord Jesus, who sanctified Saint Charbel and helped him to carry his cross, give me the courage to bear life's difficulties with patience and submission to your divine will through Saint Charbel's intercession, to you is gratfulness forever. Oh, Saint Charbel, the example of patience and silence, intercede for me. Ask for it from Jesus the crucified who you perpetually worship.

saint sharbel pray for us saint sharbel pray for us

From you I ask for the grace (name the grace). Oh, Saint Charbel, the aimable, who shines like a bright star in the church sky,brighten my way, and fortify my hope. (once) Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory to the father. Oh, Saint Charbel, vase of perfume, intercede for me.Oh, God of complete benevolence, who honored Saint Charbel by giving him the grace to perform miracles, have mercy on me and grant me what I ask from you though his intercession. Oh, Saint Charbel, Martyr of monastic life, who experienced suffering, and whom Lord Jesus made of you a bright beacon, I resort to you and ask through your intercession the grace (name the grace). Oh Lord, who was bestowed on Saint Charbel the grace of faith, I plead to you to grant me through his intercession that divine grace to live according to your commandments and Bible.

saint sharbel pray for us

Miraculous Saint Charbel, from whose immaculate body, which overpowers corruption, radiates the scent of heaven, come to my rescue and grant me from God the grace which I am in need of ( name the grace).

Saint sharbel pray for us